Free HDD LED 0.5b 免安裝版 - 電腦硬碟燈軟體:
模擬電腦硬碟讀寫狀態LED燈 - Free HDD LED,以桌面右下角小圖示方式來模擬硬碟燈,上半部亮紅燈表示寫入,下半部亮藍燈表示讀取,也有額外的懸浮小圖示來顯示個別分割區的動態,還有監控硬碟所剩空間的功能。(阿榮)
系統需求:.NET Framework 2.0
Free HDD LED shows hard disk drive activity in real time in the systray area. It also features a free disk space monitor (works also for pendrives, network drives and TrueCrypt drives. It monitors all physical hard disk drives connected to the pc (ide/sata/usb).
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