2011年9月12日 星期一

DropboxPortableAHK - Dropbox免安裝版

DropboxPortableAHK - Dropbox免安裝版:

Dropbox可攜版 - DropboxPortableAHK,作者使用「AutoHotkey」設計的程式,將它解壓縮於USB或隨身碟,依照步驟操作,最後會從網路下載最新版的官方版程式,下載及設定完成後就可以於隨身碟使用,也就是說不需要管理者權限也可以使用了,可以在同一個電腦使用者帳號下管理多個Dropbox帳號,還會自動檢查最新版本。(阿榮

- Keeps dropbox up to date

- Makes it fully portable -> you do not have to install it on every pc you use, just copy the entire directory and start the application

- You can put your dropbox on your USB-Stick and have it with you all the time

- You can select which folders should be synchronized to your folder (Selective Sync)

- You can maintain multiple dropbox accounts on the same computer/user account

- You can use your dropbox everywhere, also without administrator privileges

- If a new version is released, the old version will pop up a notification window asking you whether you want to update it or not.

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